Zachary Nowak
London: Reaktion.
Publication year: 2015

“What is a truffle? Some see it as the apotheosis of the mushroom; some cultures believe that thunderclaps produce the esteemed, delectable fungus. Having a rather uninviting appearance, it is probably most famous as a prized, luxurious ingredient in the kitchen. Scientists, despite having succeeded in sequencing the truffle’s genome, are still determining many aspects of its existence. The truffle has a powerful hold over us, is renowned for many features beyond taste and is often used in perfume. But few know the history and origins of this coveted plant.
Zachary Nowak delves into the history and fame of the truffle in Truffle: A Global History, relating its journey from the Far East to European and American kitchens. His account includes cultural, historical and scientific perspectives, offering a thorough and complete portrait of this many-sided mushroom. He compares the truffle’s origins and history in the Old World to its growing prominence in the New World, along the way showing the growth and dynamism of modern Western cuisine and food cultures.”